Ch. Paradox Pop Quiz, RN, CGC "Quiz"
(GCH biss hof hearthside nothin' to lose cd rn cgc x Paradox party manners)
Quiz is smart, very smart. Maybe too smart!
A biddable, engaged and energetic little dog, he was learning tricks at 9 weeks and appeared in a Public TV interview at 12 weeks. He earned both a Rally title and a CGC as a teenager. He is perceptive, sensitive, tenacious and resilient - all at the same time.... CONFORMATION He is small and well proportioned with proper length of leg. Compact and short backed, he moves accurately coming and going with precise, moderate side gait. Strong feet, short hocks and good bend of stifle. Moderately angulated shoulder with a long neck, well set on with a beautiful head and expression. BREEDING CONSIDERATIONS Quiz has maximum allowable white on his face and stifle white. Breeding him to a bitch with well distributed pigmentation would be advisable. In general, he might best complement a bitch with adequate size ( his mother Kit is barely 17 inches)and good length of back. Quiz also occasionally chews coat and given there might be a genetic component to that behavior, I wouldn't double up on it. AKC# DN28665/03 HSF4- Clear ASCA# E170802 Hips- OFA Excellent Tail - Full/docked MDR1- Mutant/Normal |